Image, they cannot be changed. Get into Special mode by SPECIAL and to this feature. PIP picture position can be changed by arrow keys.
buttons will guide
The image orientation can be flipped up, down, left and right using the FLIP key.
Pressing CALL in Normal Mode will display general information such as input selection and source frequency.
Pressing SPECIAL and then D in Adjust Mode will display software version and date. SPECIALF will display the lamp timer and SPECIA L
E will display lamp history.
This key need to be careful since all the adjustment data will be reset if pushed. There is an on
This is to compensate the color difference for example, when red picture is displayed on multiple screens and reds are different as pure red vs orange red. An ideal condition is to have all the same pure red all over the screens but in case if
Use 7 button while in Adjust mode, then click 4 for Red primary color and select ADJ.G for
the color to be mixed in case of above situation. The primary color would be 5 for Green, 6 for Blue and ADJ.R , ADJ.G or ADJ.B will select the color to be mixed.
4.Multiple Screen Wall system (example)
The picture shows 2x2 wall by one PC displaying picture, using internal magnification capability.
To make this image by internal signal processor, MAG need to be set to 2x2 and left top cube need to have Layout of 1
to match the picture. When using internal magnification capability, still, all the cubes need to receive the same signal and DVI digital link will cover this part, using DVI cables.
When cube need to control or any adjustment needed, then ea ch cube need to have its ID # different from the others so that the command can be sent to the right ID # cube.
This picture effect (ex. 2x2) can be memorized as User Magnification Pattern
5.ID Assignment (example)
IDs should be assigned before connecting the RS232C control link cables and if ID has assigned already and want to change, it must be cleared at first befo re they can be
Press ADJUST to enter Adjust Mode and then press ID.ALL to enter I.D. Mode, press ID.SEL 3 times and then press ID.CLR to erase the current I.D.
Press ID.ALL so that ‘INPUT ID NUMBER’ appears and enter the desired 2 digits I.D. using the