Overview 21
Operating a computer using the remote control
A computer can be operated using the projector’s remote control. This function is
available on any computer with the Windows 98/98SE, Windows Me, Windows
2000, or Windows XP OS, that is equipped with a USB port supporting the USB
1.1 (The mouse remote control is supported on OS 9 or OS X for the Macintosh).
The operation cannot be guaranteed for all the environments of computers.

Connecting a computer

Connect the supplied Mouse remote control receiver to the computer.

Operating a computer

The mouse remote control function is available when the remote control is set to
[PC Mode]. (See “Switching operation modes”.)
Point the Mouse remote control at the mouse remote control receiver, and
operate the remote controlfs buttons.
Moving the mouse pointer
Move the pointer control button in the direction that you wish the mouse pointer
to move, then press.
To left click
Press the L-CLICK button.
To right click
Press the R-CLICK button.
To drag and drop
Move the pointer control button in a (L-)clicked state, then when the pointer is
over the desired location, release the button.
Using the computer’s up and down arrow key functions
Press the and buttons to switch PowerPoint® slides.


To USB port
Mouse remote control receiver


Remote Control Front Remote Control Rear
Pointer control