90 Learning the Basics
Backing up your work
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
To print a file:
1Make sure your printer is turned on.
2Open the File menu of your Windows® program and click
The program displays a Print dialog box.
Sample Print dialog box
3Specify the print parameters (i.e. the range of pages and
number of copies to print.
4Click Print.
Backing up your work
Back up all the files you create in case something happens to
your computer. If you have a network partition, you can hold
copies of your files there.
Alternatively, you can back up your files to diskette or other
writable media one at a time as you are working on them.
To back up several files at one time, use the Microsoft®
Window s® backup program which is preinstalled on the
computer’s hard disk.