Part 5:
Testing Operator and Control Box
Note: Every Step must be completed before connecting the
A. Plug the control box into 110V AC outlet.
B. Pull up black knob on top of Regulator. Turn knob clockwise to increase air pressure. (See below)
Note: Recommended pressure varies between
C. Press open or close on the control box to begin operating the door.
Note: If door operates opposite of what controls indicate, Turn air pressure off at regulator and reverse the two air lines at cylinders.
Part 6a: U Series
Door speed adjustments and fine tuning
Note: Only for U Series operators
A. Door slows down too soon when opening.
Step 1- Locate the speed control valves at the top of the operator. The speed control valve farthest from the wall controls up.
( See below )
Step 2- With a small flat head screw driver, turn thread post on speed control valve ¼ turn counter clockwise. Open the door to see if door has desired cushioning. Repeat this step until satisfied with setting. Lock setting into place with nut around threaded post.
( See below )