Many repeater systems require that a very-low-frequency audio tone be superimposed on your FM carrier in order to activate the repeater. This helps prevent false activation of the repeater by radar or spurious signals from other transmitters. This tone system, called “CTCSS” (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System), is included in your VX-8R, and is very easy to activate.

CTCSS setup involves two actions: setting the Tone Frequency and then setting the Tone Mode. These functions are set up using Set Mode Items 94: SQL TYP and 98: TONE FREQUENCY.

1. Press the key, then press the key. This provides a “Short-cut” to Set Mode Item 95: SQL TYPE.

2.Rotate the DIAL knob so that “TONE” appears on the dis- play. This activates the CTCSS Encoder.

3. Rotation of the DIAL knob one more “click” in step “2” above will also activate the “TSQL” decode function. When “TSQL” is displayed, the Tone Squelch system is active, which mutes your VX-8R’s receiver until it receives a call from another radio sending out a matching CTCSS tone. This can helpful in a high RF congested location by keeping your radio quiet until a call is received from a specific station with a matching CTCSS tone.

ˆYou may notice an additional “DCS” indication appearing while you rotate the DIAL knob in step 3 above. We’ll discuss the Digital Code Squelch sys- tem shortly.

ˆYou may notice “REV TONE” indication on the display while you rotate the DIAL knob in step 3 above. When the Reverse Tone Squelch system is ac- tive, the VX-8R’s receiver is muted when it receives a call from a radio send- ing a matching CTCSS tone. The “RTN” icon will appear on the display when the Reverse Tone Squelch system is activated.

ˆYou may notice “PR FREQ” indication on the display while you rotate the DIAL knob in step 3 above, this means the user programmed Reverse CTCSS Decoder will mute your VX-8R’s receiver when it receives a call from a radio sending a CTCSS tone matching your programmed tone (determine by Set Mode Item 70: PR FREQUENCY). The “PR” icon will appear on the display when the Reverse CTCSS Decoder is activated.

ˆYou may notice “PAGER” and “MESSAGE” indication on the display while you rotate the DIAL knob in step 3 above. These appear when the “Enhanced Paging & Code Squelch” and the “Message Feature” are activated. We’ll discuss these functions later.