fisheyelocaldewa | <integer> | 0 | 0/7 | Indicate the supported |
rp_c<n> |
| streams of local dewarp. |
| One bit represents one |
| supported stream. The LSB |
| indicates stream 0. |
| Ex: “3” means stream 0 and |
| stream 1 support local |
| dewarp. |
Group: capability_videoin_c<n>_localdewarp, n denotes the channel index, range is from 0 to
| NAME |
| (get/set) |
| typeceilingmo |
| 1O, 1P, 2P, 1R, |
| 0/7 |
| Available dewarp types of ceiling and |
| |
| unt |
| 4R |
| floor mount. |
| |
| typewallmoun |
| 1O, 1P, 1R, 4R |
| 0/7 |
| Available dewarp types of wall mount. |
| |
| t |
| resolutionC1P |
| A list of <WxH> |
| 0/7 |
| Available resolutions of 1P mode of |
| |||
| ceiling and floor mount. |
| ‘640x160,1280x320,1536x384’ for |
| FE8173 |
| ‘640x160,1280x320,1920x480’ for |
| FE8174 |
| |||
| resolutionC2P |
| A list of <WxH> |
| 0/7 |
| Available resolutions of 2P mode of |
| |||
| ceiling and floor mount. |
| ‘320x320,640x640,1280x1280’ |
| |||
| resolutionC1R |
| A list of <WxH> |
| 0/7 |
| Available resolutions of 1R mode of |
| |||
| ceiling and floor mount. |
| ‘192x192,256x256,384x384,512x512,6 |
| 40x640’ |
| resolutionC4R |
| A list of <WxH> |
| 0/7 |
| Available resolutions of 4R mode of |
| |||
| ceiling and floor mount. |
| ‘384x384,512x512,768x768,1088x1088 |
| ,1280x1280’ |
| ||
| resolutionW1 |
| A list of <WxH> |
| 0/7 |
| Available resolutions of 1P mode of wall |
| ||
| P |
| mount. |
| ‘640x320,1280x640,1536x768’ for |
| FE8173 |
| ‘640x320,1280x640,1920x960’ for |
| FE8174 |
User's Manual - 181