Overlay title and time stamp on video: Select this option to place the video title and time on the video streams�
Note that when the frame size is set to 176 x 144 as shown in the picture below, only the time will be stamped on the video streams�
2010/05/17 11:46:50
11:46:50 2010/05/17
Options of Video Advanced Mode
Note: This function in only for MD7560/7560D (megapixel model).
There are three options for you to choose: Video quality first, Video frame rate first, and Cropping mode� Select either one mode according to your needs�
■Video quality first: Select this option will reduce the maximum frame rate to 15fps and clear the settings in the Viewing Window�
■Video frame rate first: Select this option will limit the frame size to 800x600 and clear the settings in the
Viewing Window�
■Cropping mode: The cropping function allows users to crop unnecessary information and simply transmit the image of the target region for live viewing or storage� With the trimming, the transmitting data size and thus, the network load is reduced and a higher frame rate is obtained� As a result, bandwidth resources and storage space can be used more efficiently.
Image Settings
Advanced Mode
Click Image Settings to open the Image Settings page� On this page, you can tune the White balance, Brightness, Saturation, Contrast, and Sharpness settings for the video�
54 - User's Manual