3. Speak into the microphone on the base. Announcement can be no more than 2 minutes in length. More than 5 seconds of silence

will automatically stop recording.

4 . Press ANNC key or STOP to stop the recording.

5 . T o review a recorded announcement,press and hold the PLAY key for 2 or more seconds.


any one of us press 0 or just stay on the line and record after the beep. Thank you.

Example for Announcement 2:

Hi. You've reached Jack and Jill. We will be back after 1 pm. Please call us back then. Thank you.

Leaving a Message

The ITADwill answerthecall(according to the current ring selection), play the current announcement followed by a beep tone to signify the start of recording.

Messages can be a maximum of 5 minutesin length; anythinglongerwill becut-off. The ITADwillautomatically stop recording if there is more than 5 seconds of silence.

*To select a specific destination mailbox for the message, press the number correspondingto the desired mailbox. For the Generic mailbox press 0 or just wait for the beep.

will flash, and the clock display will start incrementing from


3. Speak into the base microphone to record the memo.

4.Pressthe MEMOkeyagain or press the STOP keyto stopthe recording.






Listening t o Messages

When new messages and/or memos are in the ITAD, MESG'S (messages icon) will flash. If the messages or memos have been sent to a specific

Press PLAY (for lessthan 2 seconds) to begin playback of messages and/ or memosincurrentmailboxselection. The clockwill displaythe time andday that the current message was recorded.

REPEATandSKIP keyscan be used to scan forward and backwards through messages during playback.

*Press STOP at any time during message playback to exit.









To delete messages:

Example Announcements: ExampleforAnnouncement1withzero mailboxes (actsas standardanswering machine):

Hello. You've reached 555-1234, 1 can't come to the phone right now. Please leavea message afterthebeep. Thank you

Example for Announcement 1 (with all mailboxes on):

Hi! We can't come to the phone right now. If you have a message for John press 1,if you have a messagefor Jane press 2, ifyou have a message forJack press 3, if you have a message for Jill press 4. If you have a message for

before they can be used (see Mailbox

Recording a Memo

To record a memo at the base unit:

1.Press MAILBOX key to select the mailbox where you want to record the memo. If current mailboxsetting is All, the memowill be stored in the Generic Mailbox.

2.Press and holdthe MEMO key for 2 seconds until a beep is heard. The MEMO, MAILBOX and corresponding Mailbox Number icons will illuminate, the REC icon

mailbox, the corresponding Mailbox number icon will also flash.

To playback messages:

Press MAILBOXto reachthe mailbox from which messages will be played. The messagecounterwillindicatethe total number of messages (new and old) present in the current mailbox selection. A voice prompt will indicate the -number of new messages present in the current mailbox selection.

Press ERASEbutton at any time duringmessageor correspondingtime and day stamp to delete current message.

When all messages havebeenheard, all messages within that mailbox can be deleted by pressing the ERASE key for more than 2 seconds. New messagesthat stillexistinthat mailbox will be saved, only the old messages will be deleted.

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Image 15
VTech 900I manual Example for Announcement, Leaving a Message, Speak into the base microphone to record the memo