Activate Code, Extension. Required. System code number for the type of action to be
performed. The extension applies to camera presets for pan and tilt, or image verification
when used with a Polaroid ID-4000 system. See table following this field description list.
Deactivate Code, Extension. Optional. If this task is to be automatically controlled by a time
coded event, enter the activate / deactivate code to be executed when the event time code
ends. See table following this field description list.
User Interactive. Conditional (applies to event times). A Y/N field to indicate if a timed task
can be cancelled by an operator.
09 REQ MANUAL ACCESS Request to perform manual access.
29 FORGIVE PASSBACK Request to forgive passback.
41 MANUAL UNLOCK Unlock a sensor / lock for an unlimited time.
45 MANUAL LOCK Lock a sensor /lock.
46 TIME UNLOCK Unlock a sensor / lock for the amount of time specified by the
hardware settings, or, where applicable, by the amount of time in
the Unlock Time field of the reader entry screen.
56 BUILDING OPEN Set building mode to OPEN
57 BUILDING LIMITED Set building mode to LIMITED
58 BUILDING CLOSED Set building mode to CLOSED
70 DEACTIVATE OUTPUT Turn off the specified output. Use this code if you are elsewhere
turning an output on for an unlimited time.
# Activate / Deactivate Code Explanation
71 ACTIVATE OUTPUT Turn on a specified output for the amount of time shown in the Time
field on the point entry screen. If Time=0, the output will be on for
an unlimited amount of time, and you must turn it off with an a
deactivate output code.
80 Chain Task Jumps to another group of task records and is used to consolidate
multiple task into a separate task.
# Activate/Deactivate Code Explanation
81 EXTENDED PROCESSING Instruct extended processing poller to process a transaction. Use
with elevator, parking control, VIP2, and poller transactions with a
point ID which matches the poller record for these functions.
89 SHUNT POINT Shunt a specified point.
90 UNSHUNT POINT Unshunt a specified point.
91 REQUEST RESET DEVICE Perform a device reset for an applicable device.
92 REQUEST RESET KEYS Perform a key download for an applicable device.