F3 LIMITED. Change current building mode to limited.
F4 CLOSED. Change current building mode to closed (takes approximately one minute to
complete). If a device input point configured to prevent building closure is active, the building will
remain in the limited mode until the point is cleared.

Full Screen Monitoring

Displays system logs in a manner similar to the review transactions feature (see Review
Transactions—Full Screen in this section) except that new transactions display as they occur. Use
F8 to toggle between full and half screen displays.

Disk Almost Full Warning

This feature warns operators when the disk drive has reached a specified percentage of its total
When the warning appears, take immediate action to reduce the amount of data stored on the disk
(delete unwanted files, etc.).
This feature uses the DISKWARN keyword parameter located in the $DATAPATH/PARAMS.M
Parameter Default Condition
DISKWARN keyword missing Defaults to 90%
DISKWARN =0 Feature disabled
DISKWARN =n Feature enabled; n is the range 1—99
1. Shut down and reboot after changing DISKWARN parameters.
2. The DISK ALMOST FULL message is generated only once.
3. Since the message is generated only once, we recommend that system message #242 be
changed to an alarm event by changing the alarm priority field to a value greater than 0. See
Section 6, Transactions [tranentr] for details.