Whirlpool oortable spa owner manual Air Blower, Filtration, Water Rainbow Spout

Models: oortable spa

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Activate the waterfall feature by first turning on the JETS, HTR/FILTER, or FILTER function, then rotate downward the flow control lever located on the left side of the spout. Use this lever to adjust the amount of water flowing through the Water Rainbow spout. The waterfall effect will be greatest in the JETS mode. Turning off the flow at the fully adjustable jets will dramatically increase the Water Rain- bow flow.

CAUTION: The water circulating through the Water Rainbow spouts is not fresh water and therefore is not suitable for drinking.


Air Blower

The Quantum Plus features a built-in air blower and factory drilled air holes in the seats of the spa.

The blower sends air to a channel located under the spa’s seats; this air is distributed through the air holes, and as the pressurized air is released from the holes, tiny bubbles are formed. These bubbles travel upward through the water and expand until they reach the surface and burst. The exciting visual effect of the bursting bubbles contrib- utes to the overall hydromassage experience.

Activate the blower by pushing the ACC switch.


When youAir BlowerareFiltrationreadyManual backgroundtoManual backgroundManual backgroundleaveManual backgroundtheManual backgroundManual backgroundspa,Manual backgroundpushManual backgroundthe SYSTEM switch buttonManual backgroundtoManual backgroundturnManual backgroundoffManual backgroundManual backgroundthe whirlpool.Manual backgroundThenManual backgroundManual backgroundselect theManual backgroundManual backgroundHTR/ FILTER mode.Manual backgroundManual backgroundAdjustManual backgroundManual backgroundtheManual backgroundManual backgroundTEMPManual backgroundManual backgroundCONTROLManual backgroundknobManual backgroundManual backgroundto the temperature Manual backgroundatManual backgroundwhichManual backgroundManual backgroundyouManual backgroundwantManual backgroundManual backgroundtheManual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundwaterManual backgroundmaintained.Manual backgroundIn this way, the wateManual background rManual backgroundwillManual backgroundbeManual backgroundfilteredManual backgroundwhenManual backgroundManual backgroundthManual backgroundeManual backgroundManual backgroundheaterManual backgroundManual backgroundgoes on to maintain theManual backgroundtemperature.Manual backgroundRunningManual backgroundtheManual backgroundManual backgroundfilterManual backgroundpumpManual backgroundManual backgroundfor at least two hoursManual backgroundperManual backgroundManual backgrounddayManual backgroundisManual backgroundManual backgroundsufficient.Manual backgroundManual backgroundManual backgroundAnotherManual backgroundManual backgroundwayManual backgroundManual backgroundtoManual backgroundbeManual backgroundsure the water willManual backgroundbeManual backgroundManual backgroundfilteredManual backgroundisManual backgroundtoManual background turnManual backgroundthe SYSTEMManual backgroundManual backgroundoffManual backgroundand set the timer in theManual backgroundManual backgroundSystemManual backgroundControlManual backgroundModuleManual backgroundManual backgroundtoManual backgroundturnManual backgroundtheManual backgroundsystemManual background

on at a preset time everyday. Maintain the waterlevel to the indicator mark on the skimmer/filter frame. (See page 8 for instructions on setting timer.)



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Whirlpool oortable spa owner manual Air Blower, Filtration, Water Rainbow Spout