Periodic Maintenance
Item | Action | Interval | Maintenance |
Saw blade | Listen for sound of | Whenever | Replace blade when teeth are |
| missing teeth | operating saw | broken |
| Observe cutting | Whenever | Replace blade when bent — or worn |
| action for cleanness | operating saw | — Use a wider blade for more |
| and accuracy |
| accurate straight cuts |
| Listen for a poor weld | When changing | Use a different blade or dress the |
| — a “click” as it | blade |
| |
| weld with a grinder. |
| ||
| passes through the |
| |
| |
| guide blocks |
| Watch for signs of | Whenever | Be sure you are using the correct |
| slippage on the drive | blade tension — Check drive wheel |
| |
| sawing |
| ||
| wheels (blade occa- | rubber strips for cleanliness and |
| |
| ||
| sionally slows or |
| adherence to drive wheel — replace if |
| comes to a stop while |
| necessary |
| sawing) |
Lower drive | Check bearing area | Monthly | Replace bearing if leakage occurs |
wheel | for leakage of lubri- |
| ||
| |||
| cant |
Upper drive | Check bearing area | Monthly |
wheel | for leakage of lubri- |
| Replace bearing if leakage occurs |
| cant |
Drive wheel | Check for cleanliness | Daily and when | Wipe or brush clean |
rubber protec- |
| changing blade |
tors |
Drive belts | Check for smooth | Monthly or when | Clean when necessary — replace if |
| surfaces and adher- | blade slippage | damaged or excessively worn |
| ence to drive wheel | occurs |
| surface |
| Check for glazing | Monthly, or when | Replace a glazed belt — DO NOT USE |
| slippage occurs | BELT DRESSING |
| (squealing belt) |
Reduction | Check sight glass for | Daily | Fill up to |
gearbox | level — should be to |
| with Shell Spirax HD 90 |
| halfway point on sight |
| glass | Annually | Drain and refill with Shell Spirax |
| ||
| HD 90 |
Blade support | Check for wear, | Monthly and when | Replace when necessary |
bearings | damage or lubricant | changing blade |
| leakage |
Carbide blade | Check for excessive | When changing | Replace if excessively worn |
guides | wear | blade |