If you do not understand any part of this man- ual and need assistance, see your dealer.
Always wear relatively tight and belted cloth- ing to avoid entanglement in moving parts. Wear sturdy,
*Operator’s seat must be located in the lowest and most forward position to obtain 40” minimum radius.
Figure 1 Sub-Frame Clearance
1.Refer to the WOODS BH6500/7500 Backhoe Operator’s Manual for backhoe assembly instruc- tions.
NOTE: For installing this
2.Remove the tractor top link,
NOTE: The pins and hardware that attach the lower links to the transmission will be needed for the sub- frame installation.
NOTE: Loader mounting kit #111768 or Kioti 1470 loader mount must be installed prior to
NOTE: Leave all hardware loose until
Modify PTO Shield.
1. Remove PTO shield from tractor.
2. Cut out right and leftcorner of PTO shield as shown in Figure 2.
3. Reinstall PTO shield on tractor.
NOTE: Make sure
■Make sure shields and guards are properly installed and in good condition. Replace if dam- aged
Figure 2 Modified PTO Shield.
MAN0157 (10/12/01) | Installation 5 |
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