The following pages contain a part diagram, part list and general specifications.
If you need parts or help in assembling your Shop Fox®, or if you need operational information, we encourage you to contact your Woodstock distributor. They will be happy to help you.
If you have any comments or concerns dealing specifi- cally with this manual, please write or fax to:
Technical Documentation
Woodstock International, Inc.
P.O. Box 2309
Bellingham, WA 98227
We would like to stress that we have included some important safety measures that are essential to this tool’s operation. While most safety measures are gen- erally universal, Woodstock reminds you that each workshop is different and safety rules should be con- sidered as they apply to your specific situation.
WARNING: There is danger associated with using the Shop Fox® in conjunction with any power tool. Use the tool with respect and caution to lessen the possibility of mechanical damage or operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, injury to the operator or others in the area is likely.
Your Shop Fox® was specifically designed as an aid to cutting and shaping operations. It must never be modi- fied and/or used for any application other than that for which it was designed. DO NOT MODIFY AND/OR USE THIS FIXTURE FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Modifications or improper use of this fixture will void the warranty. If you are confused about any aspect of this fixture, DO NOT use it until your questions are answered. Our Technical Department can be reached by calling
Shop Fox® |