Woodstock W1812 manual Fg\iXk`fe, Ok\ej`fefij, Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej

Models: W1812

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The Model W1812 is wired for 220V single-phase operation. The power supply circuit used for this machine MUST be grounded and rated for the amperage given below. Never replace a circuit breaker with one of higher amperage without consulting a qualified electrician to ensure compliance with wiring codes. This machine must be connected to a grounded circuit!

A plug is not supplied with this machine. See below for the recommended plug type for this machine.

@]pflXi\lejli\XYflkk_\n`i`e^Zf[\j`epfliXi\X fipflgcXekfZfee\ZkpflidXZ_`e\kfXj_Xi\[Z`i$ Zl`k#pfldXpZi\Xk\X]`i\fiZ`iZl`kfm\icfX[_XqXi[Ç ZfejlckXhlXc`]`\[\c\Zki`Z`Xekfi\[lZ\k_`ji`jb.


We do not recommend using an extension cord; however, if you have no alternative, use the following guidelines:

Use a cord rated for Standard Service (S).

Do not use an extension cord longer than 50 feet.

Ensure that the cord has a ground wire and pin.

Use the gauge size listed below as a minimum.



=`^li\2. 6-15 plug and receptacle.


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220V Operation

12 Amps


NEMA 6-15 (not incl.)

14 Gauge


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Woodstock W1812 manual Fg\iXk`fe, Ok\ej`fefij, Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej