

(0. Install the dust hood (=`^li\16)with three #10-24 x 12" flange screws.

)'. Install a 4" flexible dust collector suction hose to the dust port, as shown in =`^li\16.


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Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with the rating of the dust collector. To determine the CFM at the dust port, you must take into account many variables, including the CFM rating of the dust collector, the length of hose between the dust collector and the machine, the number of branches or Y's, and the amount of other open lines throughout the system. Explaining this calculation is beyond the scope of this manual. If you are unsure of your system, consult an expert or purchase a good dust collection "how-to" book.

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=`^li\16.Installing the dust hood.


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Image 19
Woodstock W1812 manual Ljkfcc\Zk`fe