

N<8I k_`Zb ^cfm\j Xe[ lj\ \oki\d\ ZXlk`fe n_\e nfib$ `e^ e\Xi Zlkk`e^ jli]XZ\j. GcXe\i be`m\j Xi\ [Xe^\ifljcp j_Xig =X`cli\ kf \o\iZ`j\ ZXi\ n_`c\ nfib`e^ e\Xi be`m\j Zflc[ i\jlck `ej\m\i\`ealip.



). Pull the pin shown in =`^li\20, and remove the chip deflector.

*. Put on heavy leather gloves, and use a 14mm wrench to remove the knife bolts, washers, and any knives (if installed).

+. Remove any dust, wood chips, or pitch from the cutterhead where the planing knife will seat.

,. Place the new planer blade against the cutterhead lip with the beveled side of the blade facing up, as shown in =`^li\21.

-. Line up the holes in the planer blade and the cutterhead, and install a 38"-16 x 1" knife bolt and 38" flat washer in each of the upper hole positions shown in =`^li\21. Make sure to keep the planer blade seated against the cutterhead lip while tightening the bolts.

.. Visually inspect to make sure that the planer blade did not move away from the cutterhead lip (=`^li\ 22) during the tightening process. If so, reinstall the blade until it is correctly seated.

/. Rotate the cutterhead and install the other planer blade.



=`^li\20.Removing the chip deflector.

Bevel Side

Upper Hole





=`^li\21.Installing a planer blade.


0. Set the depth stop (=`^li\19) to maintain planer blade to table clearance.

=`^li\22.Planer knives installed.

10.Adjust the feed rollers and spring tension as outlined in Feed Roller Height and Spring Tension on Page 21.


Page 22
Image 22
Woodstock W1812 manual @ejkXcc`eGcXe`eBe`m\j, Kf`ejkXcck\gcXe`ebe`m\j#fk\j\jk\gj1