This section covers the most common problems and corrections with this type of machine. N8IE@E>;FEFKdXb\XepX[aljkd\ekjlek`cgfn\i`j[`jZfee\Zk\[Xe[ dfm`e^gXikj_Xm\Zfd\kfXZfdgc\k\jkfg
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Motor will not start. | 1. | Emergency Stop button is applied | 1. | Rotate button to reset/replace button. |
| or at fault. |
| 2. | Break or short in wiring; or loose | 2. | Trace/replace broken or corroded wires; fix loose |
| connections. |
| connections (wiring diagram on Page 40). |
| 3. | Power supply switched off/has | 3. | Switch power supply on/verify voltage. |
| incorrect voltage. |
| 4. | Blown fuse tripped circuit breaker | 4. | Repair for short, then reset/replace fuse or break- |
| at main panel. |
| er. |
| 5. | Thermal overload relay in mag | 5. | Allow relay/motor to cool. If necessary, press reset |
| switch tripped (main motor only). |
| button inside switch. |
| 6. | Motor connection wired incor- | 6. | Wire motor correctly (refer to inside junction box |
| rectly. |
| cover or manual wiring diagram on Page 40). |
| 7. | Contactor not energized/has poor | 7. | Test all legs for power, test field coil and replace if |
| contacts (main motor only). |
| at fault (wiring diagram on Page 40). |
| 8. | Motor ON switch at fault (main | 8. | Replace switch. |
| motor only). |
| 9. | Plug or receptacle is corroded or | 9. | Clean/retighten contacts; correct the wiring (wiring |
| diagram on Page 40). | |
| 10. | Start capacitor has blown (main | 10. | Test/replace if at fault. |
| motor only). |
| 11. Circuit board fuse has blown (feed | 11. | Correct overload cause; replace blown fuse on cir- | |
| motor only). |
| cuit board. |
| 12. Motor speed rheostat at fault | 12. | Test/replace if at fault. | |
| (feed motor only). |
| 13. Motor brushes worn/at fault (feed | 13. | Replace brush set. | |
| motor only). |
| 14. Centrifugal switch at fault (main | 14. | Adjust/replace centrifugal switch. | |
| motor only). |
| 15. Motor at fault. | 15. | Test for shorted windings or bad bearings; repair or | |
| replace. |
Continued on next page