Notice: Connecting Radio with Computer must succeed the installation of software.
♦Make sure both computer and Radio power are off.
♦Connect Antenna, Radio and Computer.
♦Fix antenna. Refer to chapter two, section 3.
4.Install DAMB-R Driver
After software is properly installed and Radio connection is in order, start up computer. Driver will be installed automatically.
Note: In Win2000/XP, when “Digital Signature Not Found” dialog box pops up, click ”Yes” to continue. In Win98/Me, when “System Settings Change” dialog box pops up, click “Yes” to continue.
5. Radio Service
MP3 player is
1) Run MP3 Player
Double click MP3 player icon in “WorldSpace Client Services” folder. Then, MP3 player interface will be displayed.
Main Window
Play List Window
2) Scan Channel
You must scan channel when you first use MP3 player: