Tape Client overview
Job recovery
If a Tape Client crash occurs during tape processing, it recovers to its last known state at the start of a file. The Tape Client maintains a file that contains all the information needed to recover from a rollover. The job is always recovered to the start, not the middle, of a file.
The Tape Client makes two attempts to recover. If it is not able to do so, a message is displayed and the Tape Client reverts to its initial state.
If the tape volume that is currently loaded is not the one that is needed for recovery, or if the Tape Client cannot determine if it is, you are prompted to load the correct volume. When you load the requested tape, the file is sent from the beginning. (This could cause some pages to be reprinted.)
If the job that is currently being received is canceled at the controller, the Socket Gateway closes the connection to the Tape Client. The Tape Client stops reading the data and rewinds or unloads the tape if requested.
In case of a system crash during printing, the Tape CLient detects a communication error and aborts the job. AFter a restart, DocuSP will continue to print the data that has been transferred and processed.
Tape Client Job Submission Guide |