Tape Client overview
Record structure
A record is arbitrarily divided into two portions: operating system and user.
•The operating system portion of the record contains information that is supplied by the host operating or spooling system.
•The user portion of the record contains information that is provided by the application or the program that is running on the host system.
The boundary between the two portions of the record is traditionally between the record length and the printer carriage control (PCC) fields. The PDL RECORD command defines the components of a record.
Offline dump
| The offline tape dump feature is a troubleshooting tool for tape |
| jobs. It allows you to generate a hardcopy printout of all the |
| characters, carriage control information, tape labels, and other |
| information in the data stream, while a job is being transmitted |
| and printed. |
Offline dump | • When the system encounters a tape mark while formatting for |
format | the dump, the tape mark is indicated following the block |
| number. |
| • The dump of each block, tape mark, end of volume, or end of |
| data is separated by at least one blank print line. |
Dump content The tape data stream dump contains the following information for each block that is dumped:
•Block number
•Block length
•The hex decimal number of the starting byte in each printed line of data
•The data printed in hexadecimal
•The data printed using the translation code table that is defined in the VOLUME CODE command.
Tape Client Job Submission Guide |