JCL: Job Control Language is an IBM-licensed language used for defining data and program re- sources for job submission to JES under the MVS Operating System.

JES: Job Execution and Submission system is an IBM-licensed program used to schedule and spool input and output under the MVS Operating system.

laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation): A device that emits a coherent beam of light, used in electrophotographic printing.

line data: Data that has been prepared for printing on a line printer.

LU0: Logical Unit type 0 is a reference to an SNA protocol used to communicate with a specific class of device.

LU1: Logical Unit type 1 is a reference to an SNA protocol used to communicate with a specific class of device that accepts SCS commands.

LU3: Logical Unit type 3 is a reference to an SNA protocol used to communicate with a specific class of device that does not accept SCS commands.

MIH: The Missing Interrupt Handler is a component used in the host operating and subsystems for specifying actions to be taken on missing interrupts

MVS: Multiple Virtual System and MVS/XA (ex- tended architecture) are licensed IBM operating systems.

OGL: Overlay Generation Language is an IBM-li- censed produced used for generation of electronic overlays for printing in AFP printers.

page printer: A class of printer that accepts pres- entation text and images on a page basis.

Page segment: An IBM term that refers to a col- lection of resources, typically graphics and text that can be included for printing.

PCL: Printer Command Language is a command language used for communicating with the PCL 4/5 printer.

pel: A pel refers to the smallest area that can be toned on a printer.

raster: A series of pels in a scan line is called a raster image. A digitized pattern of toned/untoned pels is referred to as a raster pattern.

RSCS: Remote Spooling and Communications Subsystem is an IBM-licensed program used with the VM Operating System for spooling and commu- nication of data.

SCRIPT/VS: an IBM-licensed program that formats DCF text.

simplex printing: Printing on one side of the paper (compare with duplex printing).

SMP: System Modification Program is an IBM-li- censed program used for maintaining components in the MVS Operating System.

SNA: System Network Architecture refers to an IBM network architecture that is used to connect host and communication and device resources.

structured field: A self-identifying string of bytes and data or parameters, used in the AFPDS, CPDS data streams.

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol refers to the collection of public protocols used to connect host and communications systems.

TSO: Time Sharing Option is an IBM-licensed pro- gram that runs under the MVS Operating System to provide time sharing capability.

tumble printing: Tumble duplex printing refers to printing in duplex mode for binding on the shorter edge of the page.

typographic font: A typographic font is a set of proportionally spaced characters that are similar in appearance to characters generated by typeset printing.

VTAM: Virtual Telecommunications Access Method is an IBM-licensed program that can be used with the MVS and VM Operating Systems to connect host and communication devices.

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Xerox D63-069-00 manual Ida XFC Installation Guide