Linking to Additional Applications
Your PaperPort Desktop makes it easy for you to integrate scanned images into other applications on your workstation or the network.
1.Simply select the scanned image that you want to work with and, using the mouse, drag and drop that scanned image on to the desired application icon on the Send To Bar.
2.The desired application will automatically launch with the scanned image integrated into that application’s workflow.
Filling in Scanned Forms with Form Typer
FormTyper is a PaperPort program that enables you to fill in forms, such as insurance forms, registration cards, and medical forms, that you scan to the PaperPort Desktop.
1.PaperPort Professional 10 includes a feature that enables you to fill data into blank scanned forms. Scan the blank form back to the PaperPort Desktop.
2.Drag the blank form to the FormTyper link on the SendTo Bar. FormTyper will detect where the underlines are on the form and underline them in blue. You can also add additional fields by selecting “Place Manually”from the Fields menu.
3.Click on one of the blue underlines and begin typing in text. To move to the next field, press the Tab key.
4.Save the form back to the PaperPort Desktop by going to “Save to PaperPort Desktop As”from the Form menu. Name the form and click on OK.
5.You will see that a filled in copy of your form is saved to the PaperPort Desktop.
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