BChange the beat and section length...........................................

If you want to create a style with a different time signature than the

selected style, or change the number of measures in the selected section,

press the PAGE [>] button.

Page 2 of the CUSTOM STYLE display appears.

Beat of selected style
Current measure
number of selected
Total measure number
of selected section
BEAT function
Settings: 2, 3, 4, 5
Basic setting: Depends on style.

Press the BEAT button to select a different time signature.

The “Clear style?” message is displayed.

Clear style?
Since the patterns of the selected
style will not match the new beat,
you will have to completely clear
the style and start recording from
scratch if you change the time

Press OK to clear the style, or CANCEL to abort. Once the style

has been cleared, you can use the BEAT button, the data dial, or

the [–] and [+] buttons to select a new time signature.

Creating Your Own Styles

Changing the beat: