BREAKING IN (RUNNING IN)ENGINEYour new engine requires a period of break-in (running-in) to allow mating surfaces of moving parts to wear-in evenly. Correct break-in (running-in) will help ensure proper performance and longer engine life.
Failure to follow the break-in (running-in) procedure may result in reduced engine life or even severe engine damage.
Break-in (running-in) time: 10 hours
Break-in (running-in) premix ratio: Refer to “Gasoline/Petrol and Oil Mixing”.
Run the engine under load (in gear with a propeller installed) as follows.
1)First 10 minutes:
Run the engine at the lowest possi- ble-speed. A fast idle in neutral is best.
2)Next 50 minutes:
Do not exceed half throttle (approxi- mately 3,000 r/min). Vary engine speed occasionally. If you have an easy-planing boat, accelerate at full throttle onto plane, then immediately reduce the throttle to 3,000 r/min or less.