The PSR-8000 “Functions”
NOTE This switch turns transmission of the note data on or off. When off, no notes will be produced by
an external instrument or tone generator even when the voice or part assigned to the selected
channel is played. Note transmission can be turned off, for example, you only want the external
device to respond to program change numbers, changing the selected voice without actually
playing it.
CNTCNG Turns transmission of control change data on or off. Control change data includes modulation
wheel, foot controller, and any other controller data (except the pitch bend wheel, which has its
own switch, below).
PRGCNG Turns transmission of program change data on or off. Program change data corresponds to
voice or “patch” numbers, and is used to select the corresponding voices on an external MIDI
PITCHBND Turns transmission of pitch bend wheel data on or off.
AFTERTCH Turns transmission of keyboard aftertouch data on or off.
(Control Change)
(Program Change)
(Pitch Bend)
■RECEIVE ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
This display page allows you to specify the MIDI receive mode for each PSR-8000 MIDI channels, and to specify
which types of data will be received via each channel.
• Only “XG/GM” and “OFF” can be selected for chan-
nel 10.
The Rx MONITOR at the top of the display indicates when
data is being received on any of the 16 MIDI channels: The dots
corresponding to each channel (1 … 16) flash briefly whenever
any data is received on the channel(s).
Use either the ▲ and ▼ LCD buttons to the left of the
display, or the CH LCD dial to select the channel to which you
want to assign a mode or change a data switch setting. The
channel numbers are shown in the leftmost column in the
The MODE LCD dials select the receive mode for the
currently selected channel. Any of the following modes can be
These “switches” turn transmission of the
specified data type on or off. Use the NOTE,
AFTERTCH LCD dials to turn transmission of
the corresponding data on or off. A check mark
appears in the appropriate box when the corre-
sponding switch is turned on.
• “-” appears for parts for which the switches cannot be turned ON.
• The PSR-8000 TRANSPOSE and OCTAVE settings do not apply to note
data transmitted from the UPPER and LOWER parts.
• When UPPER is selected, a program change number is transmitted
when the REGISTRATION MEMORY is switched.
• No note data will be transmitted if the panel [LEAD], [RIGHT1], [RIGHT
2], or [LEFT] PART ON/OFF button is turned off even if it is assigned to
a channel.
• For the LOWER part, note data (keyboard-played note only) will be
transmitted only when AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT is turned on.