Custom Voice Creator


WAVEFORM (INSTRUMENT for the Drum Kits) ...............................................................................................................
to select a waveform for the custom voice: the raw sound on
which the voice is based. Waveforms created by the SAM-
PLING feature (page 88) are also available for selection in the
“SAMPLING” CATEGOR Y. When a waveform which has EG
data is selected, the EG COPY LCD button will become avail-
able, and pressing it will cause the corresponding EG data to be
When a Drum Kit is selected the WAVEFORM parameter is
replaced by the INSTRUMENT parameter, and individual
instruments can be selected rather than waveforms.
COARSE TUNE/FINE TUNE...............................................................................................................................................
These parameters adjust the pitch of the voice. COARSE tunes
in semitone steps and FINE tunes in 1-cent steps (a cent is 1/
100th of a semitone).
Sets the waveform volume.
KEY ON DELAY..........................................................................
Sets the time before the envelope begins after a key is pressed.
The higher the value the longer the delay.
PAN .........................................................................................................
The PAN LCD dial can be used to position the voice in the
center of the stereo sound field, or to the left or right.
NOTE LIMIT (not available for the Drum Kits)..................................................................................................................
Specifies the note range over which the voice will sound. The
LOW dials set the lowest note in the range and the HIGH dials
set the highest note in the range.
When the voice OCTAVE is set to a value other than “0”, the range
specified by the NOTE LIMIT parameters is shifted by the correspond-
ing amount and some notes may not sound. If this happens check the
R1 OCTAVE setting in the FULL MIXING CONSOLE TUNING display.
VELOCITY LIMIT (not available for the Drum Kits).
Sets the maximum velocity range for the voice. The LOW dials
set the minumum velocity value and the HIGH dials set the
maximum velocity value at which the voice will sound. No
sound is produced for velocity values outside the specified