

ECONOMIZERS - Units equipped with the factory-installed economizer option have dampers that are positioned by a spring return, fully modulating damper actuator capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air. As the outdoor air intake dampers open, the return air dampers close. The changeover from mechanical refrigeration to economizer operation is determined by a single input electronic enthalpy control or by a dual input electronic enthalpy control. Simultaneous compressor and economizer operation is also possible.

The single enthalpy system contains a sensor that monitors the outdoor air which automatically operates the damper actuator allowing the dampers to open or close.

The dual enthalpy system contains a second sensor that monitors the return air in addition to monitoring the outdoor air described above for a single enthalpy system. The logic module compares these two values and modulates the dampers providing the maximum efficiency of the economizer system.

The economizer is completely installed and wired at the factory. Only the outdoor air hood, including its filters, need be assembled and installed in the field.

BELT-DRIVE BLOWERS - Adjustable belt-drive blowers, providing maximum flexibility to handle many airflow requirements, are available on all models.


SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONOMIZER -- Includes a slide--in/plug--in damper assembly with fully modulating spring return motor actuator capable of introducing up to 100% outdoor air, one outdoor air electronic enthalpy sensor and a rainhood with filters. The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and must be field--assembled before installation. Economizer dampers are 2% low leakage type.

DUAL INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONOMIZER -- Includes the same damper system and rainhood with filters as described for a single enthalpy economizer above except this accessory contains two enthalpy sensors. It uses a differential enthalpy control that compares the outdoor air versus the return air. The logic module then optimizes the economizer operation for additional savings over the single input economizer.

MOTORIZED AIR DAMPER -- Includes a slid--in/plug--in damper assembly with a rainhood and filters. The outdoor air dampers open when the indoor fan motor is energized. The damper is capable of providing 0% through 100% of outdoor return air opening.

MANUAL OUTDOOR DAMPER -- Provides 0% through 35% or 0% through 100% of return air opening (field adjustable). Designed for duct mounted side or bottom supply/return applications. Includes rain hood assembly and filter.

ELECTRIC HEATERS -- Include nickel chromium elements, a terminal block, fuses (where required by UL), all the necessary connectors and hardware. All heaters utilize single point power supply hookup. Capacities from 5 KW thru 30 KW heating are available.

FUSE BLOCK KITS -- These kits have a fuse box with a fuse block and fuses. They're available for all 460--3--60 volt heaters and 208/230--3--60 volt heaters 7 KW and smaller.

ROOF CURB -- This 14" high full perimeter roof curb is knocked down for field assembly and contains duct supports that can easily be shifted for the desired unit duct arrangement. No deck is required because the unit underside is insulated.

START ASSIST KIT (Standard on 4 ton units) -- Provides increased starting torque for 3 and 5 ton single phase units in areas with low voltage conditions. It contains a 12.5 OHM PTCR temperature resistor with a support clip and hardware for mounting.

ANTI--RECYCLE TIMER -- A timer to prevent the unit compressor from short cycling. It assures 5 minutes off time between compressor cycles.

OUTDOOR COIL GUARD -- Consists of grille--type sections for assembling over the outdoor coil to protect it from damage.

WALL THERMOSTAT -- The units are designed to operate with 24--volt electronic and electro--mechanical thermostats. All units can operate with single stage heat/single stage cool thermostats -- with or without the economizer. To obtain maximum economizer operating savings, a two stage cooling thermostat should be used. To obtain two stage cooling operation, a jumper wire must be removed on the low voltage relay board. (See unit wiring diagram.)

OUTDOOR THERMOSTAT -- A 24--volt thermostat providing two stages of control for units equipped with supplemental electric heaters.


Unitary Products Group

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York 2000 warranty Factory Installed Options, FIELD--INSTALLED Accessories