Zoom AP+2 User’s Guide 5
Package Contents
The AP+2 package contains the following:
AP+2 Device
Ethernet Cable
Power Cube
CD for Windows, Macintosh, and Li nux
If anything is missing or damaged, please contact Zoom Customer
Support or whoever sold you the AP+2.
Depending on your needs, the Zoom AP+2 can be used in any of
the following ways:
Access Point. You can plug the AP+2 into a router,
modem/router, switch, or hub to allow wireless devices (for
example, computers or gaming devices) to make a wireless
connection to your network. Setting the AP+2 up as an access
point is explained in Chapter 1: Installing the AP+2 as an
Access Point on page 7.
Ethernet Client. You can plug the AP+2 into the Ethernet
port of a gaming device or computer so that device can have
wireless access to a wireless network. This is also known as a
“client bridge.” Setting the AP+2 up as an Ethernet client is
explained in Chapter 2: Installing the AP+2 as an Ethernet
Client on page 13.
Repeater. You can install the AP+2 near the edge of a wireless
network’s area of coverage to extend the area of coverage.
Setting the AP+2 up as a repeater is explained in Chapter 3:
Installing the AP+2 as a Repeater on page 17.
This User’s Guide provides instructions for setting up your AP+2
for each of the above scenarios. It also includes details about
setting up security, advanced settings, and specific information for
Windows, Macintosh, and Linux users.
If we update information about the AP+2, we provide the updated
information at this Zoom Web site: