2.3Call Forwarding and Call Waiting

The Supplementary Services page displays the X5v’s VoIP call management features such as call forwarding and call waiting. Click its button on the bottom of the Voice over IP page.

Important: The X5v’s call forward capabilities are displayed on this page. However, to activate these functions, you must enter the X5v’s VoIP call management commands using your telephone keypad. The section Activating Call Management Features immediately following the table explains how to do this.

Enabling Call Management




Enable Call Forwarding

Click to turn on the call-forwarding feature.


Then select (click) the options listed below


that you want to use.

Forward Calls To

Enter the phone number of the location


where you want to forward incoming VoIP


calls. You must also enter the forwarding


number using your telephone keypad, as


explained below this table.

Forward All Calls

Enables the forwarding of all VoIP calls to


the specified forwarding number.

Forward When Busy

Enables the forwarding of VoIP calls to the


specified forwarding number when the


X5v’s phone is busy.

Forward When No

Enables the forwarding of VoIP calls to the


specified forwarding number when there is


no answer.


ADSL X5v User’s Guide