Chapter 20 Web Authentication
When a device using that port attempts to connect to the Internet, the web browser will request a username and password before allowing access. If a port is not successfully authenticated, all IP packets from that device will be filtered.
Note: The URL entered by the user should be a domain such as http://, it cannot be in one of the formats listed below:
•A specific IP address (example:
•A domain with a full address (example: 100826.html)
20.3.1User Authentication Experience
When the user attempts to access the Internet through a port which is secured with Web Authentication, the following screen will display and request them to enter a username and password.
Note: The appearance of this login page can be modified in the Customization screen (Section 20.5 on page 126).
Figure 64 Web Authentication - Login
After successfully logging in the following message will display. At this point, users should close the browser and relaunch it to access the Internet.
Figure 65 Web Authentication - Login Success
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