Chapter 15 Filters

15.2 The IP/MAC Filter Screen

Use this screen to create and apply IP/MAC filters. Click Access Management > Filter and select IP/MAC Filter in the Filter Type Selection field. The screen appears as shown.

Figure 47 Access Management > Filter (IP/MAC)

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 34 Access Management > Filter (IP/MAC)



Filter Type




Filter Type Selection

Select the filter type from the drop-down list box.


Available options are IP/MAC Filter, Application Filter and URL Filter.



IP/MAC Filter Set Editing




IP/MAC Filter Set Index

Select the index number of the filter set.




Select the PVC to which to apply the filter.




Apply the filter to Both, Incoming or Outgoing traffic direction.



IP/MAC Filter Rule Editing






P-660R-T1 v3 User’s Guide