Chapter 11 Quality of Service (QoS)

Table 27 Advanced Setup > QoS



Rule Index

Select the rule’s index number from the drop-down list box.




Use this field to enable or disable the rule.




Select an application from the drop-down list box. The Destination Port Range and


Protocol ID fields may change depending on the type of applications you choose.

Physical Ports

Select Enet1 to apply the rule to the Ethernet port.



Destination MAC

Type a destination MAC address here. QoS is then applied to traffic containing this


destination MAC address. Leave it blank to apply the rule to all MAC addresses.




Enter a destination IP address in dotted decimal notation. QoS is then applied to


traffic containing this destination IP address. A blank destination IP address means


any destination IP address.




Enter a destination subnet mask here.



Port Range

Either use the default value set by the application you choose, or enter the port


number to which the rule should be applied.



Source MAC

Type a source MAC address here. QoS is then applied to traffic containing this


source MAC address. Leave it blank to apply the rule to all MAC addresses.




Enter a source IP address in dotted decimal notation. QoS is then applied to traffic


containing this source IP address. A blank source IP address means any source IP






Enter a source subnet mask here.



Port Range

Enter the port number to which the rule should be applied. 0 means any source port


number. See Appendix D on page 205 for some common services and port





Protocol ID

Select an IP protocol type from the drop-down list box.



Vlan ID Range

Enter the source VLAN ID in this field.



IPP/DS Field

Select IPP/TOS to specify an IP precedence range and type of services.


Select DSCP to specify a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) range.



IP Precedence

Enter a range from 0 to 7 for IP precedence. Zero is the lowest priority and seven is


the highest.



Type of Service

Select a type of service from the drop-down list box.


Available options are: Normal service, Minimize delay, Maximize throughput,


Maximize reliability and Minimize monetary cost.



DSCP Range

Specify a DSCP number between 0 and 63 in this field.




Select a priority level (0 to 7) from the drop-down list box.







IPP/DS Field

Select IPP/TOS to specify an IP precedence range and type of services.


Select DSCP to specify a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) range.



IP Precedence

Enter a range from 0 to 7 to re-assign IP precedence to matched traffic. Zero is the


lowest priority and seven is the highest.



Type of Service

Select a type of service to re-assign the priority level to matched traffic.


Available options are: Normal service, Minimize delay, Maximize throughput,


Maximize reliability and Minimize monetary cost.


Specify a DSCP number between 0 and 63 to re-assign the priority level to matched






Select a priority level (0 to 7) to re-assign the priority level to matched traffic.







P-660R-T1 v3 User’s Guide