Craftsman 358.79101 instruction manual Your Warranty Rights and OB, Warranty Commencement

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LIGATIONS: The U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency/California Air Re- sources Board and Sears, Roebuck and Co., U.S.A., are pleased to explain the emissions control system warranty on your year 2005 and later small off- road engine. In California, all small off- road engines must be designed, built, and equipped to meet the State's strin- gent anti-smog standards. Sears must warrant the emission control system on your small off-road engine for the peri- ods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect, or improp- er maintenance of your small off-road engine. Your emission control system includes parts such as the carburetor and the ignition system. Where a war- rantable condition exists, Sears will re- pair your small off-road engine at no cost to you. Expenses covered under warranty include diagnosis, parts and labor. MANUFACTURER'S WARRAN-

TY COVERAGE: If any emissions re- lated part on your engine (as listed un- der Emissions Control Warranty Parts List) is defective or a defect in the mate-

rials or workmanship of the engine causes the failure of such an emission

related part, the part will be repaired or


small off-road engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the

required maintenance listed in your in- struction manual. Sears recommends

that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your small off-road en- gine, but Sears cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or for your

failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance. As the small

off-road engine owner, you should be aware that Sears may deny you war- ranty coverage if your small off-road engine or a part of it has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, unapproved modifications, or the use of parts not made or approved by the orig- inal equipment manufacturer. You are responsible for presenting your small off-road engine to a Sears authorized repair center as soon as a problem ex- ists. Warranty repairs should be com- pleted in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If you have any

questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you should contact

your nearest authorized service center or call Sears at 1-800-469-4663.


DATE: The warranty period begins on the date the small off-road engine is purchased. LENGTH OF COVERAGE: This warranty shall be for a period of

two years from the initial date of pur- chase. WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR


pair or replacement of any warranted part will be performed at no charge to the owner at an approved Sears Servi- ce Center. If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and re- sponsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or call

Sears at 1-800-469-4663. WARRAN- TY PERIOD: Any warranted part which is not scheduled for replacement as re- quired maintenance, or which is sched- uled only for regular inspection to the effect of "repair or replace as neces- sary" shall be warranted for 2 years. Any warranted part which is scheduled for replacement as required mainte- nance shall be warranted for the period of time up to the first scheduled replace- ment point for that part. DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be charged for diagnostic labor which leads to the de- termination that a warranted part is de- fective if the diagnostic work is per-

formed at an approved Sears Service Center. CONSEQUENTIAL DAM-

AGES: Sears may be liable for dam- ages to other engine components caused by the failure of a warranted part still under warranty. WHAT IS NOT COVERED: All failures caused by

abuse, neglect, or improper mainte- nance are not covered. ADD-ON OR

MODIFIED PARTS: The use of add-on

or modified parts can be grounds for

disallowing a warranty claim. Sears is not liable to cover failures of warranted

parts caused by the use of add-on or modified parts. HOW TO FILE A CLAIM: If you have any questions re- garding your warranty rights and re-

sponsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or call

Sears at 1-800-469-4663.


Image 13 Contents
Gasoline Weedwaoker Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, IL This power unit can be dangerous! OpFuel Safety Unit / Maintenance SafetyCutting Safety Transporting and StorageMotorsswitches,furnaces,etc Primer Bulb Stop SwitchBefore Starting Engine Fueling EngineHOW to Start Your Unit HOW to Stop Your UnitStarting a Cold Engine Starting a Warm EngineOperating Position Operating InstructionsTrimmer Line Advance Cutting MethodsTrimming SweepingClean AIR Filter Maintenance Schedule Care & Maintenance TaskGeneral Recommen Dations LabelsCarburetor Adjustment Line ReplacementReplace Spark Plug Replacing the Cutting HeadSeasonal Storage Idle Speed AdjustmentFuel System Internal EngineCause Troubleshooting TableRemedy Warranty Commencement Your Warranty Rights and OBOr Replacement of PARTS. Re NANCE, Replacement and RE- Pair of Emission Related Advertencia Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA Hoffman Estates, ILManual DE Informacion Instrucciones DEL AparatoSeguridad DEL Aparato Y EN EL Mantenimiento Seguridad DEL UsuarioSeguridad CON EL Combustible Transporte Y Almacenamiento Seguridad AL CortarAviso DE Seguridad El estar ex Montaje Contenico DE LA CajaAjuste DEL Mango Abastecimiento DEL Motor Antes DE Poner EN Marcha EL MotorPalanca DEL Arrancador Para Poner EN Marcha EL Motor Para Detener EL MotorPara Arrancar CON Motor Frio Para Arrancar CON EL Motor CalienteMetodos DE Corte Instruccionesde USOPara Escalpar i J Verifique QUE no Haya FIJA- Dores NI Piezas Sueltas Cronograma DE MantenimientoInspeccione LA Rejilla Anti Chispa Y EL Silenciador Reemplazo DE LA Linea Cambie LA BujiaReemplazo DE LA Cabezal DE Corte Marcha Lenta Ajuste AL CarburadorOtros Interior DEL MotorCausa Tabla DiagnosticaBierta DE Garantia DEL Fabri SUS Derechos Y ObligacionesRantia DE Responsabilidad DE DEL Dueiio Como dueiho de una Fecha DEL Comienza DE LA GA41 1 61 1 81 RECLAMACIONSicuentaustedcon manual de instrucciones