• Storeunitsolinelimiterbladecannot
• Storeunitoutofreachofchildren.
SAFETYNOTICE:Exposuretovibra- tionsthroughprolongeduseofgaso- linepoweredhandtoolscouldcause bloodvesselornervedamageinthe fingers,hands,andjointsofpeople pronetocirculationdisordersab- normalswellingsProlongedusein. coldweatherhasbeenlinkedtoblood vesseldamageinotherwisehealthy peopleIfsymptomsoccursuchas. numbness,pain,lossofstrength, changeinskincolorortexture,orloss offeelingthefingers,hands,or joints,discontinuetheuseofthistool andseekmedicalattentionAnanti.- vibrationsystemdoesnotguarantee theavoidanceoftheseproblemsUs.- erswhooperatepowertoolsonacon-
CARTONCONTENTS Checkcartoncontentsagainstthefol- lowinglist.
Model 358.791010
•Container of Oil
Examine parts for damage. Do not use damaged parts.
NOTE: If you need assistance or find
parts missing or damaged, call
It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in the empty fuel tank.
Finding fuel or oil residue on muffler is normal due to carburetor adjustments and testing done by the manufacturer.
,_WARNING: | If received as- |
tinualandregularbasismustmonitor closelytheirphysicalconditionand theconditionofthistool. SPECIALNOTICE:Thisunitis equippedwithatemperaturelimiting mufflerandsparkarrestingscreen whichmeetstherequirementsofCali- forniaCodes4442and4443AllU. .S. forestlandandthestatesofCalifornia,
Oregon,andWashingtonrequireby lawthatmanyinternalcombustionen- ginesbeequippedwithasparkarrest- ingscreenIfyouoperateinalocale. wheresuchregulationsexist,youare legallyresponsibleformaintainingthe operatingconditionoftheseparts. Failuretodosoisaviolationofthe lawFornormalhomeowneruse,the. mufflerandsparkarrestingscreenwill notrequireanyserviceAfter50hours. ofuse,werecommendthatyourmuf- flerbeservicedorreplacedbyyour SearsServiceCenter.
_WARNING: | The shield must be |
properly installed. The shield provides partial protection from the risk of thrown objects to the operator and others and is equipped with a line limiter blade which cuts excess line to the proper length. The line limiter blade (on under- side of shield) is sharp and can cut you.
For proper orientation of shield, see KNOW YOUR TRIMMER illustration in OP-
ERATION section.
1.Remove wing nut from shield.
2.Insert bracket into slot as shown.
3.Pivot shield until bolt passes through hole in bracket.
4.Securely tighten wing nut onto bolt.
sembled, repeat all steps to ensure
your unit is properly assembled and all fasteners are secure.
Wing Nut
'_WARNING: | When adjusting tile |
assist handle, | be sure it remains above | PIVOT |
the safety label and below the mark or | Shield | |
arrow on the shaft.
1.Loosen wing nut on handle.
2.Rotate the handle on the shaft to an upright position; retighten wing nut.