Intel 82540EP manual Par, Frame# Sts, Irdy# Sts, Trdy# Sts, Stop# Sts, Idsel#, Devsel# Sts, Vio

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82540EP — Networking Silicon




Name and Function






Bus Command and Byte Enables. Bus command and byte enable signals are



multiplexed on the same PCI pins. During the address phase of a transaction,



CBE[3:0]# define the bus command. In the data phase, CBE[3:0]# are used as byte


enables. The byte enables are valid for the entire data phase and determine which byte





lanes contain meaningful data.





CBE0# applies to byte 0 (LSB) and CBE3# applies to byte 3 (MSB).






Parity. The Parity signal is issued to implement even parity across AD[31:0] and



CBE[3:0]#. PAR is stable and valid one clock after the address phase. During data



phases, PAR is stable and valid one clock after either IRDY# is asserted on a write



transaction or TRDY# is asserted after a read transaction. Once PAR is valid, it remains



valid until one clock after the completion of the current data phase.



When the 82540EP controller is a bus master, it drives PAR for address and write data



phases, and as a slave device, drives PAR for read data phases.









Cycle Frame.



82540EP device to indicate the








beginning and length of an access and indicate the beginning of a bus transaction.



While FRAME# is asserted, data transfers continue. FRAME# is de-asserted when the



transaction is in the final data phas





Initiator Ready. Initiator Ready indicates the ability of the 82540EP controller (as bus



master device) to complete the current data phase of the transaction. IRDY# is used in



conjunction with the Target Ready signal (TRDY#). The data phase is completed on any



clock when both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted.







During the write cycle, IRDY# indicates that valid data is present on AD[31:0]. For a



read cycle, it indicates the master is ready to accept data. Wait cycles are inserted until



both IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted together. The 82540EP controller drives IRDY#



when acting as a master and samples it when acting as a slave.



Target Ready.

Target Ready signal indicates the ability of the 82540EP controller



(as a selected device) to complete the current data phase of the transaction. TRDY# is



used in conjunction with the Initiator Ready signal (IRDY#). A data phase is completed



on any clock when both TRDY# and IRDY# are sampled asserted.

During a read cycle, TRDY# indicates that valid data is present on AD[31:0]. For a write





cycle, it indicates the target is ready to accept data. Wait cycles are inserted until both



IRDY# and TRDY# are asserted together. The 82540EP device drives TRDY# when



acting as a slave and samples it when acting as a master.






Stop. The Stop signal indicates the current target is requesting the master to stop the



current transaction. As slave, the 82540EP controller drives STOP# to request the

bus master to stop the transaction. As a master, the 82540EP controller receives





STOP# from the slave to stop the current transaction.






Initialization Device Select. The Initialization Device Select signal is used by the

82540EP as a chip select signal during configuration read and write transactions.








Device Select. When the Device Select signal is actively driven by the 82540EP, it



signals notifies the bus master that it has decoded its address as the target of the

current access. As an input, DEVSEL# indicates whether any device on the bus has





been selected.









VIO. The VIO signal is a voltage reference for the PCI interface (3.3 V or 5 V PCI



signaling environment). It is used as the clamping voltage.

Note: An external resistor is required between the voltage reference and the VIO pin.





The target resistor value is 100 KΩ











Image 16
Contents 82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller Revision AprilDatasheet Date Revision 82540EP Networking Silicon Contents 82540EP Networking Silicon Introduction Mdio TX MACRX MAC Acpi LEDReference Documents Document ScopeProduct Code 82540EP Networking Silicon PCI Features MAC Specific FeaturesFeatures Benefits Application flexibility for LAN on MotherboardPHY Specific Features HostOffloadingManageability Features A server management processorAdditional Device Features Technology FeaturesSignal Type Definitions PCI Address, Data and Control SignalsSymbol Type Name and Function PCI Bus InterfacePAR FRAME# STSIRDY# STS TRDY# STSArbitration Signals Interrupt SignalSystem Signals Error Reporting SignalsEeprom and Serial Flash Interface Signals Power Management SignalsImpedance Compensation Signals SMB SignalsLED Signals Miscellaneous SignalsOther Signals XTAL1 AnalogXTAL2 Test Interface Signals Power Supply ConnectionsDigital Supplies Analog SuppliesControl Signals Ground and No ConnectsGND CTRL15Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating ConditionsAbsolute Maximum Ratingsa Recommended Operating Conditions a Sheet 1DC Specifications DC CharacteristicsPower Specifications D0a Recommended Operating Conditions a Sheet 2Power Specifications Dr Uninitialized Power Specifications D3coldPower Specifications Complete Subsystem Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max O Characteristics= V SS AC Characteristics Timing Specifications PCI Bus Interface Symbol Parameter a PCI 66 MHz PCI 33 MHz Units Min MaxPCI Bus Interface Clock Parameters TcycSymbol Parameter PCI 66MHz PCI 33 MHz Units Min Max PCI Bus Interface Timing ParametersSymbol Parameter PCI 66 MHz Unit PCI Bus Interface Timing Measurement ConditionsVTH VTLInch max Point 1kΩ 10 pF PinInch max Point 50 pF Eeprom Interface Link Interface TimingRise and Fall Times Device Identification 82540EP Product NameYyww Date CodeDatasheet Package InformationThermal Specifications Thermal CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Value at specified airflow m/s Units Thermal resistance, junction-to-ambientPinout Information Power Management Signals Impedance Compensation SignalsSMB Signals Eeprom and Serial Flash Interface SignalsPHY Signals Test Interface SignalsDigital Power Signals Analog Power SignalsGrounds and No Connect Signals Signal Names in Pin Order Sheet 1Signal Name Pin Lanpwrgood SmbclkSignal Names in Pin Order Sheet 2 RST# SMBALRT#M66EN REQ# CBE3# CLKRUN# Smbdata GNDIRDY# FRAME# CBE2# GND Signal Names in Pin Order Sheet 3CLK VIO TRDY# Zpcomp STOP# INTA# DEVSEL# Zncomp Signal Names in Pin Order Sheet 4PAR PERR# GNT# CBE1# Signal Names in Pin Order Sheet 5CBE0# PCIAD5 GND PCIAD1 Clkview FLCE# Eesk Signal Names in Pin Order Sheet 6 PCIAD9 PCIAD7 PCIAD4PCIAD8 PCIAD6 PCIAD3 PCIAD2 Eecs GND Flso Eedi Vddo P12Visual Pin Reference C D E F G H J K L M N P