Intel 8051 Architectural Speciffcation ancrFunctionaJ Descrlpfion, On-Chip Peripheral Functions

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8051 Architectural Speciffcation ancrFunctionaJ Descrlpfion







































































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Figure 2.1. 8051 Family Memory Organization

The first three methods can be used for addressing destination operands. Most instructions have a "desti- nation,source" field that specifies the data type, address- ing methods and operands involved. For operations other than moves, the destination operand is also a source operand.

Registers in the four 8-Register Banks can be accessed through Register, Direct, or Register-Indirect Ad- dressing; the 128 bytes of Internal Data RAM through Direct or Register-Indirect Addressing; and the Special Function Registers through Direct Addressing. External Data Memory is accessed through Register-Indirect Addressing. Look-Up-Tables resident in Program Memory can be accessed through Base-Register- plus Index-Register- Indirect Addressing.

The 80S 1 is classified as an 8-bit machine since the internal ROM, RAM, Special Function Registers, Arithmeticl Logic Unit and external data bus are each 8- bits wide. The 80S 1 performs operations on bit, nibble, byte and double-byte data types.

The 80S1 has extensive facilities for byte transfer, logic, and integer arithmetic operations. It excels at bit handling since data transfer, logic and conditional branch operations· can be performed directly on Boolean variables.

The 80S I's instruction set is an enhancement of the instruction set familiar to MCS-48 users. It is enhanced to allow expansion of on-chip· CPU peripherals and to optimize byte efficiency and execution speed. Op codes were reassigned to add new high-power operations and to permit new addressing modes which make the old operations more orthogonal. Efficient use of program memory results from an instruction set consisting of 49

single-byte, 4S two-byte and 17 three-byte instructions. When using a 12 MHz oscillator, 64 instructions execute in IlJs and 4S instructions execute in 4ls. The remaining instructions (multiply and divide) require only ~s. The number of bytes in each instruction and the number of oscillator periods required for execution are listed in the appended 80S I Instruction Set Summary.

2.1.2 On-Chip Peripheral Functions

Thus far only the CPU and memory spaces of the 80S 1

have been described. In addition to the CPU and memories, an interrupt system, extensive I/O facilities, and several peripheral functions are integrated on-chipto relieve the CPU of repetitious, complicated or time- critical tasks and to permit stringent real-time control of external system interfaces. The extensive 110 facilities include the 110 pins, parallel 110 ports, bidirectional address/data bus and the serial port for I/O expansion. The CPU peripheral functions integrated on-chip are the two 16-bit counters and the serial port. All of these work together to greatly boost system performance. INTERRUPT SYSTEM

External events and the real~time-drivenon-chip peripherals require service by the CPU asynchronous to the execution of any particular section of code. To tie the asynchronous activities of these functions to normal program execution, a sophisticated multiple-source, two~ priority-level, nested interrupt system is provided. In- terrupt response latency ranges from 3IJs to 7IJs when using a 12 MHz crystal.

The 80S I acknowledges interrupt requests from five sources: Two from external sour.res via the INTO and INTI pins, one from each ofthe two internal counters and



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Contents Architectural Specification ICE Architectural Specification and Functional Description SINGLE-COMPONENT 8-BIT MicrocomputerContents Architectural Overview Enhancing the 8048 ARCHITEC- Ture for the 80s AbstractIntelscomplete Line of SINGLE-CHIP Microcomputers MACRO-VIEW of the 8051 Archi Tecture Architectural Speciffcation ancrFunctionaJ Descrlpfion On-Chip Peripheral FunctionsRequest Microcomputer Expansion Components Ii~O,.R~~~~~~ ~ J -r-r ~r~ r =fJ Architectural Specification and Functional Description ~~~--------~--~--~---I~Internal Data Memory Instruction DecoderProgram Counter · t1 Arithmetic Section ProgramControl SectionOscillator and Timing Circuitry Boolean ProcessorOperand Addressing Parallel I/O Ports~~143 136 ~ Data Manipulation Data Transfer OperationsLogic Operations 18. External Data Memory Move OperationsArithmetic Operations 21. Internal Data Memory Logic OperationsREGplSCTER 14e--I-~--I~IMMEDArE,.j Instruction SeT What the Instruction Set Is Organization of the Instruction SetData Transfer Control Transfer Operand Addressing Modes & Associated Operations 33.A Operand Addressing ModesInterrupt System MOVTFI TCON.7 Ports and I/O Pins External InterruptsAccessing External Memory Accessing External Memory-Bus Cycle Timing TsU~l ArcnneCtural specification and Functional DescriptionAccessing External Memory-Opera- tion of Ports CDV Configuring the Timer/Counter Input TIMER/COUNTERTimer/Counter Mode Selection Serial Channel 47. Uart Interfacing Technique Operating Modes SCON.OTransmission Rate Generation Uart Error ConditionsSerial Frame Processor Reset and Initialization Power Down Standby Operation of Internal RAMEprom Programming Vee RSTNpD Instructions That Affect Flag Settings 8051 Instruction SET SummaryAll mnemonics copyrighted@ Intel Corporation