Intel 8051 manual External Interrupts, Ports and I/O Pins

Page 29

8051 Architectural Specification and Functional Description

The process whereby a high-level interrupt request inter- rupts a low-level interrupt service program is called nesting. In this case the address of the next instruction in the low-priority service program is pushed onto the stack, the stack pointer is incremented by two (2) and processor control is transferred to the Program Memory location of the first instruction of the high-level service program. The last instruction of the high-priority inter- rupt service program must be an RETI instruction. This instruction clears the higher "priority-level-active" flip- flop. RETI also returns processor control to the next instruction of the low-level interrupt service program. Since the lower "priority-level-active" flip-flop has remained set, high priority interrupts are re-enabled while further low priority interrupts remain disabled.

The highest-priority interrupt request gets serviced at the end of the instruction-in-progress unless the request is made in the last fourteen oscillator periods of the instruction-in-progress. Under this circumstance, the next instruction will also execute before the interrupt's sub- routine call is made. The first instruction of the service program will begin execution twenty-four oscillator periods (the time required for the hardware subroutine call) after the completion of the instruction-in-progress or, under the circumstances mentioned earlier, twenty- four oscillator periods after the next. instruction .

Thus, the greatest delay in response to an interrupt request is 86 oscillator periods (approximately 7 f.JSec @ 12 MHz). Examples of the best and worst case conditions are illustrated in Figure 2.38.







(Oscillator Periods)










External interrupt request

2 + E



generated immediately




before (best) / after (worst)




the pin is sampled. (Time




until end of bus cycle.)




Current or next instruction




finishes in 12 oscillator








Next instruction is MUL




or DIV




Internal latency for hard-




ware subroutine call







Figure 2.38. Best and Worst Case Response to Inter- rupt Request

can be programmed for either transition-activated or level-activated operation. Control of the external inter- rupts is provided by the four low-order bits of TCON.







External Interrupt Request Flag I



Input INTI Transition-Activated



External Interrupt Request Flag 0



Input INTO Transition Activated



Figure 2.39. Function of Bits in TCON (Lower Nibble)

When ITO and IT I are set to one (I), interrupt requests on INTO and INTI are transition-activated (high-to-Iow); else they are low-level activated. lEO and lEI are the interrupt request flags. These flags are set when their ~sponding interrupt request inputs at INTO and INTI, respectively, are low when sampled by the 8051 and the transition-activated scheme is selected by ITO and ITI. When ITO and ITI are programmed for level- activated interrupts, the lEO and IE I flags are not affected by the inputs at INTO and INTI respectively. INTERRUPTS

The external. interrupt request inputs (INTO and INTI) can be programmed for high-to-Iow transition-activated . operation. For transition-activated operation, the input must remain low for greater than twelve oscillator periods, but need not be synchronous with the oscillator. It is internally latched by the 8051 near the falling-edge of ALE during an instruction's tenth, twenty-second, thirty-fourth and forty-sixth oscillator periods and, if the input is low, lEO or lEI is set. The upward transition of a transition- activated input may occur at any time after the twelve oscillator period latching time, but the input must remain high for twelve oscillator periods before reactivation. INTERRUPTS

The external interrupt request inputs (INTO and INTI) can be programmed for level-activated operation. The input is sampled by the 8051 near the falling-edge of ALE during the instruction's tenth, twenty-second, thirty-fourth and forty-sixth oscillator periods. If the input is low during the sampling that occurs fourteen oscillator periods before the end of the" instruction in progress, an inter- rupt subroutine call is made. The level-activated input need be low only during the sampling that occurs fourteen oscillator periods before the end of the instruction-in- progress and may remain low during the entire execution of the service program. However, the input must be raised before the service program completes to avoid possibly envoking a second interrupt.

2.8.1External Interrupts

The external interrupt request inputs (INTO and INTI)



There are 32 I/O pins configured as four 8-bit ports. Each pin can be individually and independently programmed


Image 29
Contents Architectural Specification ICE SINGLE-COMPONENT 8-BIT Microcomputer Architectural Specification and Functional DescriptionContents Architectural Overview Enhancing the 8048 ARCHITEC- Ture for the 80s AbstractIntelscomplete Line of SINGLE-CHIP Microcomputers MACRO-VIEW of the 8051 Archi Tecture On-Chip Peripheral Functions Architectural Speciffcation ancrFunctionaJ DescrlpfionRequest Microcomputer Expansion Components Ii~O,.R~~~~~~ ~ J -r-r ~r~ r =fJ ~~~--------~--~--~---I~ Architectural Specification and Functional DescriptionInternal Data Memory Instruction DecoderProgram Counter · t1 ProgramControl Section Arithmetic SectionOscillator and Timing Circuitry Boolean ProcessorParallel I/O Ports Operand Addressing~~143 136 ~ Data Transfer Operations Data Manipulation18. External Data Memory Move Operations Logic Operations21. Internal Data Memory Logic Operations Arithmetic OperationsREGplSCTER 14e--I-~--I~IMMEDArE,.j Organization of the Instruction Set Instruction SeT What the Instruction Set IsData Transfer Control Transfer 33.A Operand Addressing Modes Operand Addressing Modes & Associated OperationsMOV Interrupt SystemTFI TCON.7 External Interrupts Ports and I/O PinsAccessing External Memory Accessing External Memory-Bus Cycle Timing TsU~l ArcnneCtural specification and Functional DescriptionAccessing External Memory-Opera- tion of Ports CDV Configuring the Timer/Counter Input TIMER/COUNTERTimer/Counter Mode Selection Serial Channel 47. Uart Interfacing Technique SCON.O Operating ModesTransmission Rate Generation Uart Error ConditionsSerial Frame Power Down Standby Operation of Internal RAM Processor Reset and InitializationEprom Programming Vee RSTNpD 8051 Instruction SET Summary Instructions That Affect Flag SettingsAll mnemonics copyrighted@ Intel Corporation