Intel 8051 manual RSTNpD

Page 41

8051 Architectural Specification and Functional Description

-WR (P3.6). The write control signal latches the data byte from Port 0 into the External Data Memory.

-RD (P3.7). The read control signal enables External Data Memory to Port O.


A low to high transition on this pin (at approximately 3V) resets the 80S 1. If VPD is held within its spec (ap- proximately +SV), while VCC drops below spec, VPD will provide standby power to the RAM. When VPD is low, the RAM's current is drawn from VCC. A small internal resistor permits power-on reset using only a capacitator connected to VCC.


Provides Address Latch Enable output used for latching the address into external memory during normal opera- tion. Receives the program pulse input during EPROM programming.


The Program Store Enable output is a control signal that enables the external Program Memory to the bus during normal fetch operations.


When held at a TTL high level, the 80S I executes instructions from the internal ROM/EPROM when the PC is less than 4096. When held at a TTL low level, the

80S I fetches all instructions from external Program M~mory. The pin also receives the 21 V EPROM

programming supply voltage.


Input to the oscillator's high gain amplifier. A crystal or external source can be used.


Output from the oscillator's amplifier. Required when a crystal is used.



Image 41
Contents Architectural Specification ICE SINGLE-COMPONENT 8-BIT Microcomputer Architectural Specification and Functional DescriptionContents Architectural Overview Enhancing the 8048 ARCHITEC- Ture for the 80s AbstractIntelscomplete Line of SINGLE-CHIP Microcomputers MACRO-VIEW of the 8051 Archi Tecture On-Chip Peripheral Functions Architectural Speciffcation ancrFunctionaJ DescrlpfionRequest Microcomputer Expansion Components Ii~O,.R~~~~~~ ~ J -r-r ~r~ r =fJ ~~~--------~--~--~---I~ Architectural Specification and Functional DescriptionInternal Data Memory Instruction DecoderProgram Counter · t1 ProgramControl Section Arithmetic SectionOscillator and Timing Circuitry Boolean ProcessorParallel I/O Ports Operand Addressing~~143 136 ~ Data Transfer Operations Data Manipulation18. External Data Memory Move Operations Logic Operations21. Internal Data Memory Logic Operations Arithmetic OperationsREGplSCTER 14e--I-~--I~IMMEDArE,.j Organization of the Instruction Set Instruction SeT What the Instruction Set IsData Transfer Control Transfer 33.A Operand Addressing Modes Operand Addressing Modes & Associated OperationsMOV Interrupt SystemTFI TCON.7 External Interrupts Ports and I/O PinsAccessing External Memory Accessing External Memory-Bus Cycle Timing TsU~l ArcnneCtural specification and Functional DescriptionAccessing External Memory-Opera- tion of Ports CDV Configuring the Timer/Counter Input TIMER/COUNTERTimer/Counter Mode Selection Serial Channel 47. Uart Interfacing Technique SCON.O Operating ModesTransmission Rate Generation Uart Error ConditionsSerial Frame Power Down Standby Operation of Internal RAM Processor Reset and InitializationEprom Programming Vee RSTNpD 8051 Instruction SET Summary Instructions That Affect Flag SettingsAll mnemonics copyrighted@ Intel Corporation