SOH (01h): Start of Header
'0' (30h): Reserved
Monitor ID: Specify the Monitor ID which you want to get status. Ex.) If Monitor ID is '1', specify 'A'.
'0' (30h): Message sender is the controller.
'A' (41h): Message type is "Command".
STX (02h): Start of Message
ETX (03h): End of Message
Check code
BCC: Block Check Code
Refer to the section 4.5 “Check code” for a BCC calculation.
CR (0Dh): End of packet
2) The monitor replies a result of the
Header | Message | Check code | Delimiter |
BCC | CR |
SOH (01h): Start Of Header
'0' (30h): Reserved
'0' (30h): Message receiver is the controller.
Monitor ID: Indicate a replying Monitor ID.
Ex.) When this byte is set to 'A', the replying Monitor ID is '1'.
'B' (42h): Message type is "Command reply".
Note.) The maximum data length that can be written to the monitor at a time is 32bytes. Ex.) The byte data 20h is encoded as ASCII characters '2' and '0' (34h and 30h).
STX (02h): Start of Message
ST: Result of self-tests '0'-'0'(30h, 30h):00: Normal
Check code
BCC: Block Check Code
Refer to the section 4.5 “Check code” for a BCC calculation.
CR (0Dh): End of packet