Introduction | E - 1 |
Congratulations on your purchase of the MultiSync E1100 colour Monitor!
The MultiSync E1100 monitor includes Microsoft’s Plug and Play, NEC’s ErgoDesign properties, the On Screen Manager (OSM), as well as all the unique features you expect from MultiSync Monitors.
The MultiSync technology provides you with automatic compatibility with multiple operating platforms and a vast array of graphics standards allowing resolution upgrades without upgrading the monitor.
The MultiSync E1100 monitor strictly follows ErgoDesign guidelines featuring enhanced human ergonomics (human and earth condition). The goal of ErgoDesign is to maximise the comfort and productivity of the end user. ErgoDesign parallels the strict European standards of power management and reduced emissions. In addition our monitor is designed to be recyclable.
Screen Technology
The OptiClear Surface of the E1100 CRT dramatically reduces the reflection of ambient illumination and glare resulting in greatly improved user comfort and productivity. This multilayered screen coating increases the contrast without sacrificing the focus level, clarity or brightness.
A 0.28 mm dot pitch in conjunction with the Invar Shadow Mask increases the clarity and displays greater detail. Good clarity allows your eyes to flow over the screen image and more easily view the
The flat square CRT technology reduces image distortion and glare.
Plug and Play
Plug and Play is the new Microsoft® solution with Windows® 95 to provide automatic peripheral connections without confusing and