Emerson 0471-0128-02 manual General Information

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General Information

The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the variable speed drive with the motor.

The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the content of the guide without notice.

All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including, photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Environmental Statement

Control Techniques is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of its manufacturing operations and of its products throughout their life cycle. To this end, we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is certified to the International Standard ISO 14001. Further information on the EMS, our Environment Policy and other relevant information is available on request, or can be found at www.greendrives.com.

The electronic variable speed drives manufactured by Control Techniques have the potential to save energy and (through increased machine/process efficiency) reduce raw material consumption and scrap throughout their long working lifetime. In typical applications, these positive environmental effects far outweigh the negative impacts of product manufacture and end-of-life disposal.

Nevertheless, when the products eventually reach the end of their useful life, they must not be discarded but should instead be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Recyclers will find the products easy to dismantle into their major component parts for efficient recycling. Many parts snap together and can be separated without the use of tools, whilst other parts are secured with conventional fasteners. Virtually all parts of the product are suitable for recycling.

Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates, while smaller products come in strong cardboard cartons which themselves have a high-recycled fibre content. If not re-used, these containers can be recycled. Polythene, used on the protective film and bags from wrapping product, can be recycled in the same way. Control Techniques' packaging strategy favours easily recyclable materials of low environmental impact, and regular reviews identify opportunities for improvement.

When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice.

Software Statement

This Solutions Module (SM) is supplied with the latest software version. When retro-fitting to an existing system, all software versions should be verified to confirm the same functionality as Solutions Modules of the same type already present. This also applies to products returned from a Control Techniques Service Centre or Repair Centre. If there is any doubt please contact the supplier of product.

The software version of the Solutions Module can be identified by looking at Pr MM.02 and Pr MM.51, where MM is the relevant menu number for the Solutions Module slot being used.

See Pr MM.02 and Pr MM.51 description later in this manual for more information.

The software version takes the form of xx.yy.zz, where Pr MM.02 displays xx.yy and Pr MM.51 displays zz (e.g. for software version 01.01.00 Pr 15.02 will display 1.01 and Pr 15.51 will display 0).

REACH legislation

EC Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) requires the supplier of an article to inform the recipient if it contains more than a specified proportion of any substance which is considered by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to be a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is therefore listed by them as a candidate for compulsory authorisation.

For current information on how this requirement applies in relation to specific Control Techniques products, please approach your usual contact in the first instance. Control Techniques position statement can be viewed at:



: © March 2009 Control Techniques Ltd.

Issue Number : 2

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Contents SM-EtherCAT General Information Contents Diagnostics Quick Reference Glossary Of TermsSystem design and safety of personnel Safety InformationElectrical safety general warning Compliance with regulations Adjusting parametersEnvironmental limits MotorGeneral safety considerations for remote operation Solution module identification FeaturesWhat is EtherCAT? IntroductionExample Conventions used in this guideDate code format Mechanical Installation General InstallationModule grounding Electrical InstallationSM-EtherCAT module information Network topology Minimum node-to-node cable lengthSM-EtherCAT version compatibility Getting StartedQuick start guide SM-EtherCAT XML fileConfiguring the SM-EtherCAT module for cyclic communications Configuring the Sync Managers Cyclic data mapping configuration RxPDO1 TxPDO1 TxPDO6Assigning RxPDO to the Sync Manager Assigning TxPDO to the Sync ManagerQuick start flowchart Quick start flowchartRe-initialising the SM-EtherCAT Re-initialise all Solutions ModulesSaving parameters to the drive SM-EtherCAT re-initialiseCoE object dictionary ProtocolsCANopen over EtherCAT CoE Object description formatDevice type object CoE communication areaDefinitions Identity objectRxPDO mapping RxPDO mappingsRxPDO mappings 0x16000x1601 0x160511 TxPDO mappings TxPDO mappings10 RxPDO mapping 12 TxPDO mapping0x1A01 13 TxPDO mapping14 TxPDO mapping Transmit PDO mapping Sub-index 0 Number of mapped objects0x1A05 15 TxPDO mapping16 TxPDO mapping 0x1A1518 Sync manager 0 PDO assignment object Sync manager configuration17 Sync manager communication type object 19 Sync manager 1 PDO assignment object21 Sync manager 3 PDO assignment object Feedback encoder source20 Sync manager 2 PDO assignment object 22 Feedback encoder source0x6040 Controlword Command codingDrive profile DSP-402 support ControlwordSequencing control Common profile features0x6041 Statusword Page Power disabled CoE state machine transition and events Transition Events Actions10 Quick stop value definitions 2 0x605A Quick stop option codeQuickstopoptioncode 0x605A3 0x605B Shutdownoptioncode 4 0x605C Disableoperationoptioncode5 0x605E Faultreactionoptioncode 8 0x6085 Quickstopdeceleration 6 0x6060 Modesofoperation7 0x6061 Modesofoperationdisplay Profile units 10 0x608F Positionencoderresolution23 Positionencoderresolution 11 0x6091 Gearratio24 Gearratio 12 0x6092 FeedconstantBasic position control Feed constant = feed / driving shaft revolutions15 0x6064 Positionactualvalue 16 0x60F4 Followingerroractualvalue14 0x6062 Positiondemandvalue 1 0x60C0 Interpolationsub-modeselect Interpolated position mode17 0x60FB Positioncontrolparameterset object 33 0x60C1 Interpolationdatarecord 2 0x60C1 Interpolationdatarecord3 0x60C2 Interpolationtimeperiod 34 Interpolationtimeperiod1 0x6042 vltargetvelocity Vl velocity mode36 vl velocity mode supported objects 37 vltargetvelocity4 0x6046 vlvelocityminmaxamount 2 0x6043 vlvelocitydemand3 0x6044 vlvelocityactualvalue 41 0x6047 vlvelocityminmax 5 0x6047 vlvelocityminmax6 0x6048 vlvelocityacceleration 0x60470x6049 7 0x6049 vlvelocitydeceleration8 0x604A vlvelocityquickstop 0x604A46 0x604C vldimensionfactor 10 0x604C vldimensionfactorCalculating the vl dimension factor 9 0x604B vlsetpointfactor1 0x6071 Targettorque Profile Torque mode47 Profile torque mode supported objects 48 0x6071 Targettorque3 0x6078 Currentactualvalue Homing Mode2 0x6075 Motorratedcurrent 4 0x6087 TorqueslopeMethod 1 Homing on negative limit switch and index pulse General homing definitionsSupport Drive profile DSP-402 SM-EtherCAT User Guide Method 33 and 34 Homing on index pulse Method 15 and 16 ReservedMethod 17 to 30 Homing without index pulse Homing mode object definitions Freeze object 0x2804 Freeze object55 Freeze object 0x607C Home offset58 Homing method values 0x6098 Homing method57 Homing method 0x6099 Homing speedsSM-EtherCAT protocol support Advanced featuresDistributed clocks SM-EtherCAT module ID code DiagnosticsModule identification parameters SM-EtherCAT firmware versionSM-EtherCAT network loss trip Network configuration objectsCommander SK / Commander SL Network loss behavior objectDiagnostic parameters Running statesSM-EtherCAT serial number SM-EtherCAT module temperatureDrive trip display codes 13 SM-EtherCAT error codes SM-EtherCAT error codes12 SM-EtherCAT error codes SM-EtherCAT error codes Default Pr MM.50 Range AccessFlash file system % free Critical task % freeWorst case critical task % free Updating SM-EtherCAT firmwareObject Name Description Cross reference Quick ReferenceSM-EtherCAT objects reference Provides the velocity at the motor spin 3 on Pr MM.01 SM-EtherCAT parameter referenceObject Pr MM.32Glossary Of Terms Polled data See Cyclic dataScan rate See Poll rate Index Secure Disable Page 0471-0128-02