Chapter 3
Boot Up NumLock Status
Set the NumLock status when the system is powered on. On will turn key pad into number keys, and Off will turn key pad into arrow keys. Settings: On and Off
Typematic Rate Setting
When Disabled, the following two items (Typematic Rate and Typematic Delay) are irrelevant. Keystrokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboard controller in your system. When Enabled, you can select a typematic rate and typematic delay. Settings: Enabled and Disabled
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
When Typematic Rate Setting is enabled, this item allows you to set the rate (characters/second) at which the keys are accelerated. Settings:
and 30
Typematic Delay (Msec)
When Typematic Rate Setting is enabled, this item allows you to select the delay between when the key was first pressed and when the acceleration begins. Settings: 250, 500, 750 and 1000
Security Option
If you have set a password, select whether the password is required every time the System boots, or only when you enter Setup. Settings are described below:
Setup The password prompt appears only when end users try to run Setup.
System A password prompt appears every time when the computer is powered on or when end users try to run Setup.
Display Full Screen Logo
Show full screen logo during BIOS bootup process. Settings: Enabled and