Accounting and Billing | System Guide |
•Version 3: This version will export all entries that are new and old and zero and
•Version 3.1: This version will export all entries that are new and old and zero and
3.1 also includes the following fields:
–Interrupt Status: Options are Interrupt and Interrupted.
–Job Source: Indicates the Gateway through which the job was submitted.
–RIP Interrupt Time: This value displays how long the job was suspended in the ripping status if the job was interrupted by a “Print Now” job.
•Version 4.0: This version is similar and includes all the same values as Version 3.1. However, it also includes the exported value for Trapping. The number displayed will be the total number of pages trapped within a job.
Accounting file fields
The following information will help you identify accounting fields when viewing the accounting and billing information.
Job ID System assigned ID number. When a job is sent to be printed or saved, it is given a Job ID that the system uses to track the jobs. Job IDs are generated sequentially, however, the numbers can be reset.
Container ID System assigned ID number. The Container ID always has the same number as the Job ID.
Report ID Report ID for the job.
Host Job Number Host supplied job number, as extracted from the data stream.
Record status This field will have one of the following values:
•Quantities shown may be less than actual.
Common Controller |