Display information
You can select the following reading room types::
Name | Description |
CR/DR/MAMMO | Corresponds to light conditions in diag- |
| nostic reading rooms for computed radi- |
| ology, digital radiology or |
| mammography. This setting has the |
| lowest maximum ambient light. |
CT/MR/NM | Corresponds to light conditions in diag- |
| nostic reading rooms for computed |
| tomography, magnetic resonance or |
| nuclear medicine scans. |
Office | Corresponds to light conditions in office |
| rooms. |
Clinical | Corresponds to light conditions in diag- |
| nostic reading rooms for clinical view- |
| ing. |
Emergency | Corresponds to light conditions in emer- |
| gency rooms. |
Operating | Corresponds to light conditions in oper- |
| ating rooms. This setting has the high- |
| est maximum ambient light. |
Reading room definition
This function is available only when the DICOM display function is selected.
To modify a reading room definition:
1.Select the DICOM display function. See To select a display function (DF):, on page 27.
2.In the ALC & DICOM Options menu, use Up or Down to select Reading Room Def. Use Enter to open the submenu.
3.Select the reading room definition you wish to modify. Thereto, use Up or Down to select Reading Room. Use Enter to