Making Frame Relay Connections
Connecting UFM Cabling
For important details on standard cables and
Take the following steps after you have inserted the cards according to the information on installing cards in the section titled “Preparing the Cards” page 1. Connect the cables as follows:
Step 1 For the
Step 2 Bring each cable through the opening at the top or bottom of the cabinet (if applicable) and along the back of the unit. If necessary, use the cable manager to help route the cables.
Step 3 Add optional
Step 4 Secure the cables to the connectors on the back cards that mate with the correct front card. If the front card is a
Step 5 Record the slot number of each line for configuration purposes after you install the hardware.
Setting Up Frame Relay Ports and Connections (UFM)
This section outlines the steps for setting up and deleting Frame Relay ports, adding connections, and bundling connections. If a port has multiple PVCs, you can optionally bundle the connections. Bundling facilitates network meshing. You can specify connection bundling during parameter specification in the Add Connection ( addcon) command: if you press Return without specifying a DLCI during port specification, the system prompts for bundling information. See the “Frame Relay Connections” chapter in the Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference for details.
Use either a Cisco WAN Manager workstation an IGX control terminal to do the following tasks. For detailed command descriptions, see the Cisco WAN Switching Command Reference.
Step 1 If necessary, use the dspcds command to verify the correct UFI back card and UFM front card. (Use the vt command to access other nodes.) The dspcds output shows any mismatch between firmware on the front card and firmware on the back card.
Step 2 If the card is a
Step 3 If the card is a
Step 4 If the card is a