Initial Startup of the IGX
Step 14 At the back of the unit, turn the circuit breakers to the ON position. In a system using a DC source, attach the cable guard (AC should already have the cable guard in place). After initial power up, DC systems can be switched off and on either at the PEM or at the building site’s resident circuit breaker. Use the building’s DC circuit breaker only if all cables are clearly marked; if the building’s dedicated circuit breaker has an actual switch and not just a fuse; and if controlling power at the building’s circuit breaker actually provides an advantage over removing the cable guard.
Step 15 Observe that, after you turn on the IGX node, the cards run diagnostic
•The standby NPM red “FAIL” light flashes until
•The remaining cards show “FAIL” for a few seconds then become active or standby.
•The AC and DC “Okay” LEDs immediately turn on.
•Alarms might be indicated. Alarms might be present on trunks that have not been physically connected. The alarms disappears when those trunks are downed.
Step 16 If an alarm exists for a T1 or an E1 line that is physically connected to the IGX node, try reconnecting the line to make sure there is a good physical connection. If the alarm condition continues, a valid T1 or E1 problem might exist.
NPM Startup Diagnostic Test
The IGX software contains a group of diagnostic tests that run on the system’s hardware at
Release 7 Boot power up diagnostics starting.
68000 Internal Registers test passed.
68000 clock test passed. Static RAM test passed. TDM memory test passed. Fast RAM test passed. BRAM test passed.
Dynamic RAM test from Hex Address 400000 to Hex Address 9FFFFF
Release 7 Power up diagnostics complete.
The fail screen looks like this:
Release 7 Boot power up diagnostics starting.
68000 Internal Registers test passed.
68000 clock test passed. Static RAM test passed. TDM memory test passed. Fast RAM test passed. BRAM test failed.
Remove and reinsert this NPM to see if it fails again.
Card Installation and Node Startup