Making Frame Relay Connections
Step 2 From a control terminal or a Cisco WAN Manager NMS workstation, to the node and enter the addalmslot command followed by the slot number where the ARM is located. This will activate the alarm reporting from the card.
Step 3 Observe that the ACTIVE LED on the ARM card is on.
Step 4 Testing the operation of the alarm outputs requires you to create an alarm and note the resulting alarm output. This test is easy on a node that is not connected to the network but difficult on a node in a fully operational network. The best time to create a major alarm an operational network is during a low traffic period. If you create an alarm, go to Step 5. Otherwise, stop here.
Step 5 Create an alarm by disconnecting a trunk cable from the connector on a back card.
Step 6 Observe that a lit MAJOR LED appears on the front of the ARM.
Step 7 Using a voltage/ohm meter (VOM), make sure continuity exists between pins 16 and 17 and between pins 35 and 36 at the
Step 8 Reconnect the cable that was disconnected in Step 5.
Step 9 With the VOM, check that the reading between pins 16 and 17 and pins 35 and 36 are open and the MAJOR LED is not on.
Alarm output connections are made at the DB37 connector on the ARI card. The connector pin assignments with the alarm signal names are listed in Table
Table | ARI Alarm Connector PinOuts |
| |
Pin No. | Alarm Type | Alarm Name | Alarm Description |
1 | both | CHASSIS | Protective ground |
3 | Network | NWMAJA | |
22 | Network |
| |
4 | Network | NWMAJC | |
10 | Node | MNVISA | Minor |
11 | Node |
| Minor |
12 | Node | MNVISC | Minor |
16 | Node | MJAUDC | Major |
17 | Node | MJAUDA | Major |
23 | Network | NWMINA | |
24 | Network |
| |
25 | Network | NWMINC | |
29 | Node | NWAUDA | Minor |
30 | Node |
| Minor |
31 | Node | NWAUDC | Minor |
35 | Node | MJVISC | Major |
36 | Node | MJVISA | Major |