–Administrator access: admin
Type the appropriate username and press Enter.
Step 3 The system prompts for a password. The CLI has the following default passwords:
–Operator access: operpass
–Administrator access: adminpass
Type the appropriate password and press Enter. The system responds with:
Welcome to the SFS 7012 CLI. Type 'list' for the list of commands.
Groups and Commands
The following section lists the CLI’s functional groups along with the commands for each group. For more specific information for each functional group, the user would execute the help <GROUP NAME> command. For more specific command information, the user would execute the help <COMMAND NAME> command.
Prints out help info for a specific command list
Lists all the valid commands history
Display command history reboot
Reboots the device
Display all the active CLI sessions killCliSession
Terminate a CLI session broadcast
Write a message to all active CLI sessions swapBsDel
Toggle the key binding for the backspace character setTermWidth
Change the terminal width for formatting purposes prompt
Set the CLI prompt (global) showLastRetCode
Display the return code from the last command rlogin
Display the return code from the last SCP Firmware Push rcmd
Display the return code from the last SCP Firmware Push resetCard
Reboot a specific slot in the chassis logout
Exit the CLI user
Change user accounts passwd
Change user accounts password loginMode
Change the login authentication mode showLastScpRetCode
Display the return code from the last SCP Firmware Push
Cisco SFS 7012 InfiniBand Server Switch Hardware Users Guide
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