Configuring the 5EFL Interfaces
The show version (or show hardware) command displays the configuration of the system hardware (the number of each interface processor type installed), the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images. Following is an example of the show version command used with a Cisco 7500 series system:
Router# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) GS Software
Copyright (c)
Compiled Fri
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 5.3(16645)
honda uptime is 4 hours, 22 minutes System restarted by reload
System image file is "slot0:rsp-a111-1", booted via slot0
cisco RSP2 (R4600) processor with 32768K bytes of memory. R4600 processor, Implementation 32, Revision 2.0
Last reset from
X.25 software, Version 2.0, NET2, BFE and GOSIP compliant. Chassis Interface.
1 VIP2 controllers (5 Ethernet)(4 Serial).
5 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces.
4 Serial network interfaces.
125K bytes of
20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K). 8192K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
No slave installed in slot 6. Configuration register is 0x2
For complete descriptions of interface subcommands and the configuration options available for